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Marriage Is A Covenant Not A Contract

Tony Evans Shares Message on Importance of Alignment in Marriage

Marriage is a Covenant, Not a Contract

In a recent message, renowned author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans shared a powerful word of encouragement on marriage. He emphasized that marriage is not a contract but a covenant, a sacred promise made before God. When couples understand this foundational truth, they are better equipped to navigate the challenges that come their way.

Alignment is Key

Evans stressed the importance of alignment within a marriage. He explained that alignment is not about sameness but about unity in purpose and direction. When couples are aligned, they work together as a team, supporting and encouraging each other on their journey. Alignment also includes having shared values, beliefs, and goals.


Tony Evans' message on the importance of alignment in marriage serves as a sobering reminder of the sacredness and power of this institution. By understanding the nature of marriage as a covenant and striving for alignment, couples can build marriages that are strong, fulfilling, and enduring.

In the face of challenges, may couples find solace and guidance in the wisdom of Dr. Evans' teachings. Marriage is not an easy journey, but with alignment and unwavering commitment, couples can overcome obstacles and create a love that stands the test of time.
